Bountiful Blooms and Fresh Harvests

FAQ: What’s worth knowing?

What services does Ailmlugh Farm and Gardens offer?

We offer fresh produce as seasonally available. We also have a Little Free Library!

What seasons is the Farm Stand Open?

Early July to mid-October, although we have ducks eggs starting in March.

Can I visit the farm and gardens?

We welcome you to visit our farm stand. If you want to see more, please contact us ahead of time. We’re always happy to show you how we grow food. We do ask you to follow bio-security measures to protect our ducks if you join us beyond the farm stand area.

Do you sell plants and flowers?

Yes, we occasionally have herb plants for sale. Flowers are usually of the cut variety. Sometimes you can even a few extra seedlings for free on the Farm Stand.

Why ducks? What breeds of ducks do you raise?

Ancona, Cayuga, Welsh Harlequin, Rouen, Silver Appleyard. Learn more about the ducks here.