A flock of ducks in the snow, the ducks are walking in a v shape pattern

Heritage Breed Ducks

They quack us up!

The Ladies

Anconas, Cayugas, Welsh Harlequin, Rouen, and Silver Appleyard. We are proud members of the Livestock Conservancy as we support Critical and Endangered rare duck breeds.

Soup, Sauce, One, & Titled


This team member brings years of experience and a wealth of knowledge.

silver apple yard duck sitting in a black rubber bowl, snow is in the background


Silver Appleyard

This team member is known for their creativity and problem-solving skills.

Meg, Charlotte, & Squeaks


Our three Rouen’s. They joined flock as ducklings alongside Pasta in 2023.

Henrietta Kathleen & Judy Katherine


H. Kathleen is a ‘blue’ Ancona and Judy is tricolor because of brown penciling in her chest feathers.

Jennifer, Jessica, Boudicca, Mimi & Leo

Welsh Harlequin

This team member is known for their creativity and problem-solving skills.



This team member specializes in technical expertise and innovative solutions.

Mary Ann


This team member excels in leadership and strategic thinking.

Cayuga duck tilting her head to look up



One of a group of four ducks adopted from a wildlife sanctuary.

Rooted in Tradition and Conservation

Explore more about our ducks as well as heritage duck breeds and conservation.


We started out with seven ducks; then promptly had so many adorable duck photos we needed Instagram just for the ducks!

Livestock Conservancy

As caretakers of multiple endangered heritage breeds, we are proud members.

Anconas and Dave Holderread

Dave Holderread no longer breeds or sells waterfowl but he is considered the definitive source on Ancona ducks.